So I finally got all of the blunderhills NPC tokens necessary to create the 3 green tokens, and I had them all in my inventory. ----- Legends of Idleon ----- Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas! 11. In order to do it, you will have to visit a suspicious bush near the Jungle tree. Level up Crystallin Stamp. How unlikely is that to happen. The scroll button is crazy sensitive when trying to browse my ongoing quests! 122. From there you are able to unlock various bonuses by using your uploaded characters as light beam foci and connecting them together to link to various bonuses. Description. Another post where someones offline for 400 days and after logging in the first thing they do is go to idleon. r/idleon. Business, Economics, and Finance. Liquid is also used during the upgrade process. LIBERT4D • 1 min. Shop our variety of frisbees for a fun game of disc golf or glider kites and kids kites for hours of fun at the park. Its not the drop rate that gets you, but instead the fact that you get less than 25% the kills per hour. Legends of Idleon. r/idleon • Can’t get the red frisbee. Yeah, it's possible +40% Equinox Bar fill rate ; Equinox Cloud Get 100 5 star ruby cards. Edit. Grats on your luck. Realize that you're going to need hundreds of them, so remember what you learned and don't sweat the small loss you took. Best thing I can recommend is you save up your highest resource and look up the spreadsheet on discord that tells you when the gold bobluyate(or however its written) sells that item. I just did a 48 hour afk and still no drop, so I think I'll take your advice and. ago. dakkonwastes • 6 mo. Yeah, multikill is a combination of two things. Dewdrop Silver Chest. As you can see, I have 8 equipped cards. So it's back to farming golden plops for now xD. r/idleon • The quest where you have to get other people to say specific things or have to get other plays to say or do things are the absolute worst part of this. 14x drop rarity. Blunder Hills. First Fishing area contains two. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. Add a Comment. Gotta admit: I‘m a golddigger. 12. 99. Walking Stick. IdleOn! Quest: Platforms in Disguise, Platformers! Legends of Idleon!: Complete Walkthrough; Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas Guide & Info; Idleon Dungeon Quest: Creating a Party! Idleon Guide: Rare Drops; Idleon! Smithing Skill Guide; Idleon Quest: Three Strikes, You're Out! IdleOn! Quest: Investigator by Day, Prankster by Night;. info doesn't appear. QUEST TEXT AND DESCRIPTION. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Вход Магазин Начало Опашка за откриване Списък с желания Точков магазин Новини СтатистикиIf your gear is not quite there yet, the second biggest boost to accuracy in Idleon is the famous Shaquracy alchemy bubble. Very likely. I've got about 20 of the woodular circles, not a one Frisbee. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts you may like. r/idleon. urakake • 1 yr. r/idleon • Can’t get the red frisbee. 16. Shoe Shopping with Sprout. 1 Adam's Leaf, 1 Small Experience Balloon, 10000 Class Experience. i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Top posts of June 17,. 5 years! I'm always working to make it the best game it can be, so IdleOn is only gonna become bigger and better over time! I place a huge importance on player feedback. I don't know if anyone else done this before, but I got, idleon to run as a wallpaper. Reply. 20K subscribers in the idleon community. Gigafrog and Snellbies cards are also quite useful for boosting your card gain rate, you may consider using it on them. The Red Frisbee, if it does really exist, can go die in a fire. There are other quests that don't appear under that array though for some reason like the w2 dungeon, level 500, billion sample and red frisbee sample dream quests EDIT: It seems to only appear on the array if you at least have a progress on it, I just completed the frisbee quest one and it appeared on the array as "d_29=-1" EDIT2:Damn, gotta go back for some frisbees ty for the explanation, I thought this was a droprate thing lol. You can spend gold to increase a bunch of stuff in the p2w tab. 2 1 in 2. A few every 24 hours afk. 818 subscribers. You'll probably get the 250k tail vial (+4WP) by the time you. Is the rare drop talent for jman not drop rate. Each vial gives a specific bonus. g. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Login Store Home Discovery Queue Wishlist Points Shop News Statsi have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. . First question is: Does the "Red Frisbee" drop from Wood Mushroom only when the 'Sprout' final quest is active or is it a normal drop from them? Second. Go to idleon r/idleon • Posted by. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. 3. The only “rare” drop affected is the wood mushroom’s red frisbee because it has no other drop. I’m a level 80 mage that is at mammoths but I have only 1. Go to idleon r/idleon. I heard it took players weeks to. 1 - You want to rush to unlock the new world content as fast as possible. Even yours!i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Juancarlo577 • 1 mo. finally now with all that bonuses i can drop one red frisbee per year !. With all the above, you can get a Crystal Mob spawn chance to below 1 in 20 and have multiple spawns with Chocolaty Chip. I'm thinking I'd be better off putting my JMan on it for looting. However, it affects the first item in the loot table, and wood mushrooms have red frisbees in the first slot. 14. Also, keep in mind your "miner" and "chopper" still need to fight to level their main class. It has a huge buff of +1% Accuracy gained from your classes accuracy stat per level, which makes a massive difference fast. However, JMan isn't that deep into the questline so I worry it'll be pointless because it won't drop. Thing is, you need a ridiculous amount of multikill to make it happen, otherwise you can't sample it ;)A red Frisbee is a 1/100,000 drop. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Iniciar sessão Loja Início Lista de descobrimento Lista de desejos Loja de pontos Notícias EstatísticasMy bowman has 247 strength with 1. Blunder Hills Town. Higher kill/hr zones are better of course, but I'd just pick the zone that gives the most xp/hr (out of the zones where you are able to kill the crystals). Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and…The Kayak Point Disc Golf Resort is what emerged from the ashes after Kayak Point Golf Course’s closure nearly three years ago. I've got 1 Frisbee but it seem a bit useless to me ! Death wish for damage, efaunt ring if you want damage with some defense, the silver stopwatch ring from funguy's quest might be the best ring tho (sometimes deathwish or efaunt ring dont provide any extra benefit, silver stopwatch directly increases afk fight gains)funny level barbarian beating efaunt go brr! (imgflip profile: raider_memer) 61. Subscribe. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Iniciar sessão Loja Início Fila de Descoberta Lista de Desejos Loja de Pontos Notícias Estatísticasi have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Evil_Spic •. End of the story, all answers are on idleon companion. If you want to farm woodular circle I recommend sticks over mushroom. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Logg inn Butikk Hjem Oppdagelseskø Ønskeliste Poengbutikk Nyheter Statistikk20K subscribers in the idleon community. The only exception is the red frisbee, if the drop is on the monster's card info then it can drop even without the quest Reply. I'm pretty sure it specifically increases the chances of the rare drop bag in the loot table. CryptoFor an experiment, on my second account i beat chizoar on day 37. 30) consists of 14 cards. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Log ind Butik Startside Opdagelseskø Ønskeliste Pointbutik Nyheder Statistiki have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Note farming rats for the vial isn't a terrible idea anyways. 00. Replyi have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. At this point I kind of want a pinned post telling people that multikill affects Red Frisbies just to stop the spam. How are you level 167 on a BB and haven't apocalypse'd them. The. Namespaces. SNITE4. Multi-kill does give you more frisbees when you have enough of it. Red: 11 Orange: 6 Blue: 3 Green: 6 Purple: 3 Nullo: 1 This will let your refinery run forever (assuming you have the Salt Merit at level 5/5 and your prints can keep up) and is. You ain't lying, it took me 200K ish kills across my 3 best accounts to get 1 frisbee. share. The good news is the Wood circles drop more off those guys than the sticks, so use it as your Woodular circle farm spot instead of sticks. Reply RandomKBR. See more posts like this in r/idleon. Upgrade Slots: 4. SNITE4. What does the frisbee give you im to lazy to go to wiki 😅 Reply Supafly82 • Additional comment actions. If that item shows up in the drop charts, you don't need a quest to make the item. subscribers . 2× on my characters after cards is that good or bad also if anyone can provide me with a maestro drop rate build that would be helpful he is level 110Class;Efaunt IdleOn. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Conectare Magazin Pagina principală Lista de descoperiri Listă de dorințe Magazinul cu puncte Știri StatisticiMore posts from r/idleon. Purchase Sculpting Tools from the town shop. • iOS can now login to Steam!!! Use the new "Log in with Apple ID" at the Sync Up button. ago. i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Quest15, red frisbee Quest16, broken mic Quest17, amarok slab I dont have any pics no, for the skiller I know his maestro skill that increases max level of all skills gained is like lvl 132 (making his bonus to all skills 364 100+264), bonus to people lower level is like 90 something with 50 pts in lower level skill efficiency (left hand/right hand) plus most of my cards are gold so those plus set bonuses and stuff. Stats. • 16 days ago. Categories. Columbia Park’s Disc Golf course will take you through part Kennewick’s natural habitat, around ponds, and along the beautiful Columbia River. If you do considerably more damage than is needed to kill an enemy you'll have a higher bonus, but that damage bonus is multiplied by your deathnote bonus for that world. ago. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock…i cant log in for some reason and theres a black spot at the center of the game and i dont know what to doi have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Nice! Looks like you have a few mushroom friends to help you celebrate. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. So it treats the red frisbee as it's basic drop and that gets multiplied for multi kill. r/idleon. Hobocannibal. Get DR up to 8. basically your chance of getting a rare drop is: drop chance / DR -> if you double your DR you will be 2x more likely to get a rare. 10 votes, 10 comments. Op · 10 mo. jhcreddit • 5 mo. 3. ----- Legends of Idleon ----- Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!This is a World 3 Bonuses guide and will focus on the 3D Printer, how to unlock the building, set up printing, and increase sampling size. Rafa lo Reply More posts you may like. Join. 35 votes, 18 comments. Canadian Tire Jumpstart Frisbee Flying Disc,. i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. 4567 posts Page 91 of 305. The higher the level of the vial, the better the bonus. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. · 10 mo. 3K views 9 months ago #idle #gaming #Idlegame. Liquids can be used to upgrade alchemy bubbles, vials, buy things in the liquid shop or upgrade the liquid cauldron. Master of Life not triggering. And LUK absolutely effects regular drop rate. You see 2 in the picture as I used one of each. Stamps are sorted into 3 categories: combat, skills and miscellaneous. NOTE: This is a very rare drop from Branches. I like to compete the quests in a world before moving on, but certain quests left me no choice for now (looking at you red frisbee). 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Přihlášení Obchod Domů Doporučení Seznam přání Věrnostní obchod Novinky Statistiky There are other quests that don't appear under that array though for some reason like the w2 dungeon, level 500, billion sample and red frisbee sample dream quests EDIT: It seems to only appear on the array if you at least have a progress on it, I just completed the frisbee quest one and it appeared on the array as "d_29=-1" EDIT2: Legends of Idleon. Wood mushrooms also drop woodular circles and those act like a typical special drop and will only drop one at a time. Join. Is it worth just setting everyone to farm for this god forsaken frisbee or do they all have to have the. . Must be equipped in a Food Slot to give its bonus. I know that luck (and drop rate/chance/rarity) affects this, but I'm not sure in the formula for luck to drop chance. I remember when half this reddit was frisbee posts. However if you click on one of the Rare Drops you'll see another list of items each with their own drop chance. ago. dadarkgtprince • In World 5 • 1 mo. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Se connecter Magasin Accueil Liste de découvertes Liste de souhaits Boutique des points Actualités StatistiquesShhh. 2 x accuracy stamps Shaqaccuracy bubble (green cauldron) AGI stamps / bubble Frisbee ring Cards (Wood Mushroom, Sandcastle, Veiny Log) Accuracy statue. Two weeks farming on 4/5 characters, Finally got the Red Frisbee!!! Severe_Ad_9808. . GOD'S DISCORD: FOR THE GUILD ON THE DISCORD!There we go guys, the long-awaited guide on Journeyman!Journeyman is certain. ago. 24K subscribers. Go to idleon r/idleon • by moodswung. Birth of their guide vidéos would give you the understanding on the spells but unfortuenetly not always accurate when tike flows. Otherwise try to get stronger and faster, speed and dmg potions, updgraded cards etc. So that combined with the rarity being 1 in 100,000 makes it incredibly difficult to get. Skip to main content. Category: Blunder Hills Effect: +% Total Accuracy Base Bonus: 5Ohhibukai does some good guides but always check the date, he hasn't uploaded an Idleon video in months. Characters/progression - Depends on the character. It’ll add it to the filter. In the first zone there, w. 5 years! I'm always working to make it the. ago. Tab1:75 in the afk talent, 90 luck, rest. Bug? Went to red mushroom's to kill baba yaga on my dk (was there like 5 mins before it spawned) hit auto and noticed that divine intervention doesn't bring back. You can sample ore, logs, bugs, fish, or basic mob drops. Page; Discussion; More. Don’t know why this was downvoted, you need a total of 20 to my knowledge with current amounts of characters, 10. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Anmelden Shop Startseite Entdeckungsliste Wunschliste Punkteshop Neuigkeiten Statistiken On 1 account I have 195k kills with no drop of "Red Frisbee", where across all account I have 253k. NFL. At first, Statue bonuses are character specific, but by buying the Guilding Tools in the World 2 shop, you can use gold to upgrade statues to become account wide (Drop it on the Town Marble in World 1). It normally only affects things like. You would have had to afk a few thousand more kills to even be considered statistically unlucky, right now you're still ahead of droprate. 22K subscribers in the idleon community. Also woodular circles are 1 in 13300 and I got 13 which would be equal to around 172900 kills. Boost Foods. . For more detailed info, see Quests or click on an NPC to go to its page. . r/CitadelLLC • Another day yesterday with no % dark pool. Before Quest Text: “Yuuus, lil’ Mutt lookin’ straight sick now! Badabing badaBOOM! Lemme spit some fire for a bit, see how things go. At Alchemy Level 1, you have access to the Water Droplets cauldron. multikill affects first drop of the drop table. More posts from r/idleon. The quest awards a token which can be used for the blunder hills trophy which is nice. 5. . 1 / 2. TrazCSS. Complete Arcade Guide. The scroll button is crazy sensitive when trying to browse my ongoing quests! 126. The other 5 should be getting all the bonuses in the lab. Smart dirt stamp. That Red Frisbee one, I wouldn't worry about immediately - you can rather easily come back to it later and get 10-20 frisbees rather quickly later. •. i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Bolt cutters and wood circles are easy I had at least 100 bolt cutters and like 50 wood circles i ended up. Go to idleon r/idleon. Stamps can be unlocked by talking to Mr Pigibank, who appears in the World 1 Town, upon reaching a class level of 12. Plus when w5 was released including the slab, it was updated so that just having the item in inventory counts for looty now. Bonus %Move Speed. But if I afk at sticks for 24 hours I'll likely get like 6 lol. 0 coins. 58k (100% accuracy for chaotic amarok is 2. Dang, you got 138 cloudsound followers. Red Frisbee: 1: 1 in 100,000: Woodular Circle: 1: 1 in 13,300: Wood Mushroom Card: 1: 1 in 10,000 x1: 1 in 143 - DropTable3c: Small Life Potion: 25: 1 in 357:. Alright, here's a video to entertain. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. 102. UaintNOgangsta. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Увійти Крамниця Домівка Черга знахідок Бажане Крамниця жетонів Новини Статистикаi have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. CARDS!! IN 4 choices, I choose "crystal carrot" + "mimic" + "dig Doug" + . If you really need more, farm sand castle cards or hunt down a red frisbee to turn in for the acc ring (better than it looks b/c of multipliers) Stamps can be an easy all-round boost if you haven't checked them in a while, and investing some Flurbos (dungeons) into various stat boosts can rack up pretty quickly. 2. ago. ago. •. 26. B0E N0E Apr 28, 2022 @ 5:50am. r/incremental_games. wood circles do have a slightly higher drop rate but the wood mushrooms are significantly harder. Yeah I have some extreme luck with certain things and none with others like ive gotten 2 red frisbee from less than 100k wood mushrooms but I haven’t even gotten 10 glass shards from over 250k sand pots Reply Yuri_The_Avocado. Cards / Bubbles helps a lot. . 40. 33 votes, 21 comments. 00001%). For wood mushrooms, the frisbee is still very rare. ago. 4. Posted by 5 hours ago. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. After a week of grinding I finally got the Red Frisbee. 58 in 20,000 == 1 in 7751. Chaotic Kattlecruk. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and… There are other quests that don't appear under that array though for some reason like the w2 dungeon, level 500, billion sample and red frisbee sample dream quests EDIT: It seems to only appear on the array if you at least have a progress on it, I just completed the frisbee quest one and it appeared on the array as "d_29=-1" EDIT2: i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Worldwide: Defeat Green Mushrooms and reach the next map! Reach map 2: > 1: No: 1x Inventory Bag A, 20x Nomwich, 25 Class Experience: Map 2 is the third Grasslands zone, Froggy Fields. Join. 47 times as many drops of the first slot of loot from the enemy. ago. 25 votes, 30 comments. r/idleon. These are good for bullseye statues, wood circles, and their cards are %accuracy increase, so I think it's. I can't remember where, but I remember reading that if you double the drop chance in kills, during a single session of AFK, the drop is guaranteed. 54 votes, 21 comments. 14. . ago. i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. Master of Life not triggering. subscribers . -You go to your mman first, collect offline gains. These items can be categorized as follows:3. You can, but you need pretty damn high stats to sample 1 frisbee/hr (at which rate it would take you 280 years to sample 10m of them (assuming 1 character 3D-printing the frisbee sample, sampling 2 frisbees/hr (using both 3D printer slots), then being doubled by the lab to 4/hr). js as much as you like (almost, you want to keep the function there) The cheats will only work if you use InjectCheat. ago. RNGesus is strong in this one. For accuracy, two cards that help a lot with accuracy are Wood Mushrooms and Sand Castles. 3 red frisbee in 4 hr 22 mins, not bad. Originally posted by Zonk: comeback later when ya stronger - Frisbees are the only rare drop which is affected by Multikill (W3. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Anmelden Shop Startseite Entdeckungsliste Wunschliste Punkteshop Neuigkeiten StatistikenOn 1 account I have 195k kills with no drop of "Red Frisbee", where across all account I have 253k. Open that and then open the card of the mob that drops the item you want to filter, find the item in their drop table and click on it. One weird interaction I like to mention with multikill is it effects wood mushrooms red Frisbee drop as it's technically their first drop. Stars next to a card indicate it has ranked up and provides a higher bonus than the base card, with 3 stars being max rank. Vote. r/idleon. The only "rare" drop that is the first item in a monster's loot table is the red frisbee from wood mushrooms since they have no main drop. Go to idleon r/idleon. •. Sadly +4 Max LV for Equinox Symbols Equinox UpgradeYou cannot sample rare drops at all. IdleOn W4 playlist: How to use the 3D Printer, you ask? Well, the 3D Printer is an a. Go to idleon r/idleon • by Morack18. 1x Red Headband, 1 50 , 15 Class Experience: If you've accidentally sold the Crimson String, you can reclaim it from the quest codex. Canadian Ultimate Championships. Seattle is also home to 5 leagues and 3 stores that sell disc golf gear. The Arcade is a fun addition to World 2 of Idleon which allows you to get various rewards and upgrade bonuses by launching balls into the Arcade machine. 77] 103. GENERAL Starter TIPS. 1 / 3. The Frisbee ring is one of the best early game rings, with 20 accuracy and 4 upgrade slots. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Войти Магазин Главная Рекомендации Список желаемого Предметы за очки Новости СтатистикаOnce you get more W5 bonuses under your belt, your ES will become a real monster drop master. r/idleon. During your adventure you will encounter myriad people, monsters and other creatures. Give this to the Statue Man in return for some bonus stats. 47 kills for each kill, and 4. 2. I'm having fun playing, so that's definitely a plus, but looking for any way to increase my productivity. The latter does not exist. Achievement! spoiler. Stamps give account-wide bonuses, which can be leveled with Coins and many. That is all. Journeyman in Legends of IdleOn is a secret class that you can unlock. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops Вход Магазин Начало Опашка за откриване Списък с желания Точков магазин Новини СтатистикиGuilds are a community of up to 210 individuals that perform daily and weekly tasks for Guild Points (GP) that the Leader or King of the guild can then use to level Guild Bonuses that increase stats for everyone in the guild. Vote. 6. 2. You will need to increase your Multikill% do have better drops for frisbees. Some quests are mandatory for further progression, though most are optional. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no dropsi have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. The biggest issue is the number of monster spawns in the area caps your kills per hour at a pretty low amount. 1/3 of the way to blunderhills trophy. In order to start this quest, you will need to drop a. There is someone hiding in this bush and you will be able to see this person’s eyes. You only have 30 seconds to kill 15 Mafiosos. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and…level 1. This guide is a good target for end game obols. We released our second game, 'dEskape' today: the quarter screen idler which plays along the bottom of your desktop. Woodular Circle, Red Frisbee, Bolt Cutters if you want two more. Laboratory (or Lab) is a World 4 skill that gives you the option to "upload" your characters into the mainframe. Red frisbee is affected by multikill as it's the mob's first drop. This really needs to be folded shut by default. NOTE: Some items are in the game but not obtainable yet. 3K views 9 months ago #idle #gaming #Idlegame. 00. 1 Power Statue. 4224 posts Page 138 of 282. 27K subscribers in the idleon community. The only "rare" drop that is the first item in a monster's loot table is the red frisbee from wood mushrooms since they have no main drop. e. Total Drop Bonus affects your chance to get one of those as a drop. You can get 10 of them. Quest15, red frisbee Quest16, broken mic Quest17, amarok slab Quest18, loomi's room key Quest19, golden dubloon Quest20, signed arrest|warrant Quest21, time thingy Quest22, corporatube sub. YukiLawn • 4 mo. Type: Monster Drop It's often misunderstood that this is just the spore's stylish hat, due to the cosmetic nature of Green Spores, but this cap is actually part of this spore's head. 000 mana potions will be needed to get the keys to Efaunt's tomb. r/idleon • I had a technical question, if the critical hit ratio of the damage exceeds 100%, shouldn't the minimum and maximum damage be increased by the minimum critical damage?. The next salt can be a few levels lower than the last one. i have been grinding forever for the red frisbee and still havent got it, i know 1 in 100. You see 2 in the picture as I used one of each. Create a copy of the spreadsheet. r/idleon. Misc: 35 Accuracy. Droptables. Type: Boost Food Increases Fishing Spd by 20% 10% chance to be consumed every time you reel in a fish. Increasing this star-weighted count to 28 (2*14), will increase the set's tier. 00 but i haven't got it, i even used time candies no drops. What advice or suggestions does anyone have in getting the red frisbee, since it’s like a 1-100k drop rate or something like that It's depends on "Tik_tok" star talent and "Attack on simmer" Star talent , and and "sleeping on the job" 1'st tab skill. Idleon quickly became one of Sam’s favourite games for. You may be confusing it with the new Blood Berserker talent that needs 1m kills for cooking bonuses. r/idleon • I had a technical question, if the critical hit ratio of the damage exceeds 100%, shouldn't the minimum and maximum damage be increased by the minimum critical damage?. 1 in 200,000! Achievement! It gives 10 def and 1 luck. 14x drop rarity and nothing. 21K subscribers in the idleon community. For people playing on the steam version of Idleon and using cheat engine, is there a way to change skill level / alchemy liquid costs or. Bah, I'll give them 10 red frisbees and even throw in a free pair of bolt cutters for their w4 splicer and I won't even ask for the nugget headwear! What a deal, they'd have to be crazy not to take it!Red frisbee scales wirh death note they are the 'normal drop' there. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. What advice or suggestions does anyone have in getting the.